Listing ID

BFS ID:001




New Delhi

Legel Entity

Private Limited

Asking Price

INR 250000

Listing Date



Printer Repairing & Cartridge Refilling

New Delhi, Delhi, India

Asking price: INR 250000

Basic Information

Description: Business for Sale in Ahmadabad
Year of Establishment: 2012
Current Status of Business: Running Profitable
Legal Entity: Private Limited

Business Description
  • 25 Permanent Employee
  • 30 Contractual Employee
  • Business Listed By Owner
  • Business is Relocatable
  • Price Range is 10 Lac-50 Lac
  • Latest Reported Turnover/Revenue is INR 200000

Products & Services: Printer Repairing & Cartridge

Competition / Market: Printer Repairing & Cartridge

Growth Potential: none

Reason for Sale: not grouth

Printer, Repairing , Cartridge, staff

  • Owned Property
  • Real state value is INR 250000
  • Property is type

Property Details

Location Total Land Area(Sqft) Built-Up(Sqft) Open(Sqft) Others

Financial Details

Financial Year Turnover EBITDA PAT Margin
2012 150000 170000 20% 20000
2013 170000 190000 20% 20000
2018 120000 100000 -20% -10000
2019 800000 50000 -30% -30000

Business Documents

Srno. Document Type Download Link
1 Business Teaser/Executive Summary 1580816883c3.jpg